South Korea’s foreign ministry said Monday it has requested the United States Embassy in Seoul and U.S.
Forces Korea to cooperate with a local police investigation into an alleged sexual molestation case involving three U.S. soldiers.
On Saturday, police in Yongin, south of Seoul, arrested three U.S. servicemen from the 210th Field Artillery Brigade on suspicion of being involved in sexual harassment that happened at a water theme park.
The U.S. soldiers are suspected of sexually molesting a female staff and beating other male employees while being under the influence of alcohol.
“We requested the U.S. Embassy and the secretariat of the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA) Sunday to actively cooperate in local police’s probe into the case,” a ministry official said.
SOFA governs the legal status of around 28,500 U.S. soldiers stationed here, a legacy of the 1950-53 Korean War.
Col. Michael J. Lawson, commander of the brigade, said in a statement that he will ensure full cooperation with Korean police and that appropriate actions will follow. (Yonhap)