Camarata seeks ‘Joseph’ singers

The below has been altered to reflect that the date of the concert has been changed to Sept. 13. — Ed.

Camarata Music Company is looking for singers to perform at its annual pops concert, which this year will feature songs from the musical “Joseph and his Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat.”

The hits from the Andrew Lloyd Webber musical to be sung by the CMC Chorale include “Any Dream will Do,” “Close Every Door,” and “Go, Go, Go, Joseph.”

Experience is not required to join the choir, singers just need the ability to hold a good pitch.

The show will be held on Sept. 13, and rehearsals will be every Sunday from 3-7 p.m. at the Camarata studio in Haebangchon. First timers will be asked to come promptly for the first rehearsal on Aug. 3, to allow them to be placed in the correct section.

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