Buddhist doctor to give talk on dying

Dr. Barry Kerzin, doctor to the Dalai Lama, will give a talk on death and dying in Seoul on Saturday.

Kerzin, a medical doctor, has lived in Dharamsala, India, for 25 years, serving as a doctor to high lamas including the Dalai Lama, and provides charitable medical care to the poor.

Barry teaches compassion and secular ethics in medical schools and universities internationally, and consults for the Max Planck Institute Leipzig’s research on training compassion.

He is also involved in several medical organizations, including as the founder and head of the Human Values Institute in Japan and the Altruism in Medicine Institute in the U.S.

The talk takes place at Yaksu Jeongsa Temple in Bulgwangdong from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Attendance costs 20,000 won. To register, email seoultibet@gmail.com.
