Hiking S. Koreans’ favorite pastime: survey

Hiking is South Koreans’ favorite pastime, with dogs chosen as their most beloved pet, a poll showed Wednesday.
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According to the survey of 1,700 South Koreans aged 13 and older, taken by Gallup Korea, 14 percent of the respondents said their favorite hobby is hiking.
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Listening to music is the second most popular pastime activity at 8 percent, followed by exercise and video games tied at 5 percent.
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By age group, those in their 40s preferred hiking most, while teenagers and 20-somethings were split by gender, with males favoring video games and females opting to listen to music.
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South Koreans’ favorite sport is football with 18 percent, followed by hiking with 13 percent and baseball with 10 percent.
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Dogs swept the most beloved pet list with 64 percent. Cats were a distant second with 6 percent. Birds, rabbits and hamsters tied for third at 1 percent.
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By dog breed, 14 percent said they wanted to raise a poodle, followed by the native Jindo dog with 13 percent and a Maltese with 12 percent.
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The 2014 historical drama “Roaring Currents” topped Koreans’ favorite films with 19 percent. The 2013 prison comedy “Miracle in Cell No. 7″ was second with 6 percent and “The Attorney” was third with 5 percent. (Yonhap)