LG Uplus releases LTE smart car service

LG Uplus, one of the leading mobile carriers in Korea, said Wednesday that it has rolled out a Long Term Evolution-based vehicle monitoring service, called Telematics in Athena, or TiA.

The mobile carrier said the LTE car monitoring system allows drivers to check the status of their vehicles in real time, such as information about fuel, the battery and engine oil.

Models pose with LG Uplus’s Long Term Evolution-based smart car monitoring system at a Volkswagen showroom in Bundang, Gyeonggi Province. (LG Uplus)

“Different from existing smart car mobile services, the TiA runs on the high-quality LTE network to provide analyzed data about cars in real time, and drivers can check the tailored information on their smartphones,” said an official from LG Uplus.

The mobile application of the TiA pushes out alerts when the battery or engine oil need to be replaced, and notify drivers when some malfunctions occur.

Automatically analyzing gas usage and driving patterns, the LTE car monitoring system helps people to drive more efficiently.

Global positioning system trackers featured in the TiA also enables drivers to figure out the locations of their vehicles and remotely check if their car engines are on.

The LTE-based device will be mounted on Volkswagen’s vehicles sold in Korea. It will also be adopted in cars from different brands, according to the mobile carrier.

The latest car monitoring system is in line with LG Uplus’ initiative to find new cash cow businesses in the era of connected technology.

LG Uplus vice chairman Lee Sang-chul previously said at the International CES, the world’s largest electronics trade show held in Las Vegas in January, that the firm would make efforts to increase its presence in the Internet of Things sector, particularly the smart car business.

By Kim Young-won (wone0102@heraldcorp.com)