‘Movies in 10’ presents bitesize blockbusters

The Back to the Future movie trilogy revolves around Marty McFly’s adventures traveling back and forth between the future and the present using the DeLorean time machine. Now a comedy event is performing time-related feats of its own, packing those three movies into a 10-minute reenactment.

“Movies in 10,” which is being held in a collaboration with Seoul Players and Stand-up Seoul, will take place Friday at the Rocky Mountain Tavern in Itaewon.

Seven performers will reenact a range of movies, including Daniel Kennedy with his showcase of the “Back to the Future” trilogy; Greta C Wink with “Ghostbusters 2”; Jamie Horan with “2001 Space Odyssey”; and Christopher Zaczek with “The Princess Bride.”

Barri Tsavaris, artistic director at Seoul Players, said inspiration for the 10-minute show came from a similar event she put on in New York about 10 years ago.

“I was performing and teaching improv and sketch comedy and we did this evening of abridged renditions of popular movies,” she told The Korea Herald. “It was an audience favorite. The experience stuck with me, and it’s always been something I’ve wanted to do with Seoul Players.”

The “Movies in 10” performers are all regulars with Seoul Players, which puts on performances in English with Korean subtitles, and Stand-up Seoul, an English-speaking comedy group.

“We reached out directly to the funniest performers we knew and invited them to perform. If there’s an interest in doing this again in the future, we hope to get even more performers involved,” Tsavaris said.

Following “Movies in 10,” Seoul Players will perform “Top Girls” by Caryl Churchill, directed by Siobhan Murphy, on April 18, 19, 25 and 26 as part of the theater’s spring season. Tsavaris will then direct “Glengarry Glen Ross” by David Mamet, on May 9, 10, 16 and 17. Proceeds from “Movies in 10” will go toward putting on these shows.

Tickets for “Movies in 10” cost 5,000 won at the door and the show starts at 9 p.m.

By Stephanie McDonald (smcdonald@heraldcorp.com)