Tibetan Buddhist leader to speak, host retreat in Seoul

Buddhist leader the Sakya Trizin will visit Korea in early May to give a talk and lead a religious retreat.

The Sakya Trizin, who is the head of the Sakya Order, one of the four major orders in Tibetan Buddhism, will arrive in Korea on May 5.

The visit is being organized by Shechen Korea, a Tibetan Buddhist group, which has brought several high-level Buddhists to Korea over the last few years.

Shechen Korea head monk Yongsoo said his group had been trying to bring the Sakya Trizin since 2007 and was delighted that he was coming.

The Sakya Trizin, who is the head of the Sakya Order of Buddhism

“The Sakya Trizin is one of the greatest living Buddhist masters in the world,” he said. “He is respected and venerated by all followers of Tibetan Buddhism for his boundless compassion and profound realization.”

He will speak on “Matchless Compassion” in Seoul on May 8. The talk will be about how to forgive and love people who have hurt you, Yongsoo said.

“The main focus is to forgive those who have hurt us and then generate understanding and love for those who have hurt you,” said Yongsoo. “The reason that we focus on those who hurt you is because if you can forgive those who love and hurt you then the logic is that you can forgive and love all beings.”

The talk is open to all who reserve a place.

The retreat on May 9-10 has been designed for practicing Buddhists and will focus on tantric practice. It will be held at the Tanheo Memorial Museum in southern Seoul.

The lecture will begin at 6 p.m. at the Large Lecture Hall at Dongguk University.

The cost of attending the lecture is 10,000 won and participation in the retreat is 150,000 won. For more information, contact shechen@naver.com.

By Paul Kerry paulkerry@heraldcorp.com)