So far 134 of the 162 confirmed patients of Middle East respiratory syndrome were inpatients at hospitals and their family members and visitors, statistics by the Health Ministry showed Wednesday.
Of them, 76 had visited the hospital where they were infected for treatment for other diseases, while 58 were people visiting them.
The remaining 28 were medical professionals and staff. Of them, five are doctors, including an emergency center resident at Kyung Hee University Healthcare System who was confirmed on Wednesday, and nine nurses. They also include seven caretakers and seven ambulance workers.
By gender, 99 or 61 percent are men, compared to 63 women.
By age, those in their 50s and 60s took up 20 percent each, followed by 40 somethings (19 percent), those in their 70s (16 percent) and those in their 30s (14 percent).