Defense minister to warn N. Korea on battle anniversary

Defense Minister Han Min-koo plans to send a strong warning to North Korea when he marks the anniversary of a bloody inter-Korean naval clash this week, a government source said Sunday.

On Monday, Han will attend a ceremony marking the 13th anniversary of the naval skirmish off South Korea’s border island of Yeonpyeong, which left six South Korean sailors dead and 18 others injured.

“Minister Han plans to deliver an address to commemorate the soldiers who were killed and send a strong message of warning against North Korea’s threats,” the source said, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Defense ministers of the past have attended some of the previous years’ anniversary ceremonies to accompany either the prime minister or president at the time, but it will be the first time for a defense minister to deliver a commemorative speech.

The move apparently reflects the public’s growing interest in the battle following the recent release of a film depicting it.

“The film production of the Battle of Yeonpyeong has made the public well aware of it, so we plan to use this opportunity to reflect on its meaning,” a military official said.

The movie, “Northern Limit Line,” surpassed 1 million viewers earlier in the day, according to its distributor NEWS.

After watching the film on its opening day Wednesday, Han said it is important to remember and honor those who sacrificed their lives for their country.

The ruling Saenuri Party also plans to mark the anniversary to raise public awareness of security issues, according to party officials.

Chairman Kim Moo-sung and other members of the party’s leadership plan to attend Monday’s anniversary ceremony and meet with the families of those who were killed in the battle.

They also plan to watch the film, together with some 90 young party staff members. (Yonhap)