Ruling party leader asserts labor market reform needed

The leader of the ruling Saenuri Party emphasized the importance of reforming the country’s rigid labor market to overcome protracted low growth and a lack of jobs for the next generations.

“We should be aware that all the countries in the world are fiercely struggling to find a way out from job shortages,” Kim Moo-sung said in a meeting with senior party members. “While reform could bring hardships in the short term, it is for everyone’s benefit in the long term.”

The remarks came as President Park Geun-hye has been struggling to overhaul labor issues regarding market duality — the difference in pay and job security between regular and non-regular workers.

Companies have become increasingly reluctant to recruit regular workers and instead only rely on non-regular workers that they can fire more easily as the economy remains sluggish, a development that has pushed up the jobless rate for young people. (Yonhap)