Part-time pay higher in Gangnam

The average hourly pay for part-time jobs in Seoul City stands at 6,188 won ($5.31), with the wage gap between the northern and southern part of the city as high as 400 won.

These and other facts on part-time jobs were released by Alba Cheonguk, a part-time job portal site, with the Seoul Metropolitan Government and Korea Labor and Society Institute on Tuesday, analyzing 743,481 cases of registered job opening posts during the first half of this year.

The average hourly pay showed a slight surge of 2.4 percent from the second half of last year. The rise, however, fell short of catching up to the 4.2 percent income increase rate of last year’s first six months, and only reached one third of this year’s legal minimum wage increase rate of 7.1 percent.

The report said that the stalled surge in part-time payment appears to have been affected by the economic slump and the Middle East respiratory syndrome spread.

By region, districts located in southern part of Seoul showed the highest pay, with 6,418 won in Gangnam, 6,321 won in Seocho and 6,320 won in Yeongdeungpo.

Following those were Yongsan (6,313 won), Mapo (6,298 won), Dongdaemun (6,295 won) and Junggu (6,257 won).

The lowest part-time pay was at Dobong-gu, with 6,034 won. Districts such as Nowon, Jungrang, Gwanak and Seongbuk also showed low pay for part-timers.

The average hourly pay in the southern half of Seoul came to 6,217 won, compared to 6,165 won for the northern half of the capital.

From news reports