Regular parliamentary session to open this week

The National Assembly is set to kick off its regular session this week as the rival parties push to achieve their political agenda ahead of next year’s general elections.

The 100-day session will begin Tuesday, just a few days into the second half of President Park Geun-hye’s single, five-year term.

The ruling Saenuri Party has vowed to pass a set of bills aimed at reforming the labor market and increasing jobs to help President Park Geun-hye’s reform drive centered on the labor, public, finance and education sectors.

The main opposition New Politics Alliance for Democracy has established its own four pillars for the upcoming session, with an aim to promote the public’s livelihoods, economic revival, labor and management relations, and national unity.

North Korea is expected to be high on the political agenda following last week’s landmark inter-Korean deal that defused heightening tensions on the Korean Peninsula.

A key issue that emerged ahead of the regular session is rival parties’ disagreement over the creation of a panel to be tasked with reviewing the government’ special allowances.

The NPAD demands that the allowances be spent transparently, but the Saenuri Party has raised concerns that full disclosure could compromise the confidentiality of certain activities, especially of the National Intelligence Service.

The regular session will also deal with next year’s government budget. (Yonhap)