ACRC briefs foreign firms on anticorruption policies

The state-run anticorruption body on Wednesday held a policy briefing in which it introduced various anticorruption plans to foreign businesses in Korea.

The Anti-Corruption and Civil Rights Commission also invited them to share problems and complaints about doing business here, during the annual briefing that was held at Hotel President in Jung-gu, Seoul. The ACRC has held the event since 2008.

The focal point of the ACRC’s presentation was the Act on the Prevention of Illegal Solicitation, which will be implemented in September. The act stipulates that it is illegal for civil servants, journalists and teachers to receive more than 1 million won ($880) in cash or gifts.

“Participants of the meeting showed active support for the corruption fighting efforts of the Korean government, and particularly expressed their anticipation toward the new act,” an ACRC official said.

A total of 11 representatives of Korea-based businesses took part in the event including John Schuldt, the president of the American Chamber of Commerce in Korea; Steve Duckworth, the chief of the British Chamber of Commerce in Korea; Jeffrey D. Jones, chairman of the Partners for the Future Foundation; and Seoul Japan Club’s chairman Atsuyuki Miki.

By Yoon Min-sik(