Smart earplugs using sound filtering technology

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The I.L.O. estimates that about 4% of world economic production is lost to job accidents and tens of thousands more suffered terrible injuries in the world’s worst industrial disaster. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) states every year one million and eight-hundred-thousand workers receive injuries from performing their jobs. The physically splintered environment also made disaster recovery (DR) difficult and time consuming. Ralph Waldo Emerson, an American philosopher, essayist and a poet emphasized the significance of conversation, one of the most effective ways of communication. Good communication with people around you could prove difficult. Names help groups communicate and find each other in dark waters.


Suhyun Tech’s developed system consists of a series of separate components which communicate via data line. We are now able to communicate in several different mediums as opposed to years past. These insights can help engage with customers more effectively and help improve brand perception. This approach is not simply about technologies, it’s also about new ways of communicating, collaborating, and exchanging information. Our smartphones are also important tools for communicating with each other. There is no doubt that they have drastically changed the way we communicate and interact. What infrastructure do you have that allows you to communicate externally with all your trading partners? What’s more, the clearer and the more specific your model, the easier it will be to communicate to your salespeople.

Mike Choi
K-Herald Korea (Los Angeles Times Supplement)

▲  Brand Name : ALLTALK
▲  CEO : Jong-Jin Lee
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