Shoes have become an important part of our everyday lives because the foot is the organ that receives the most weight by gravity. There are some reasons why proper shoe wear is important. Choosing proper shoes can help to protect you against common injuries. Good shoes can lessen the impact of your step and cushion the foot from heavy landings. In addition, sport and exercise specific shoes can improve your performance, enabling, for example, quick direction changes.
Contrastively, improper workout footwear can cause a number of injuries. Besides the more obvious injuries, including ankle strains and fractures, pelvic contour, articular cartilage degeneration, blood flow disturbance, muscle stiffness, and some other lesser known injuries are common. In addition, Metatarsalgia, a condition which presents as pain in the ball of the foot, can be worsened by poorly fitting footwear, according to Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
Shoealls, which is the company Plamise’s shoes brand name in South Korea, has been researching and developing shoes for more than twenty years. Shoealls devotes its craftsmanship to invent functional shoes to improve the skeletal problems caused by aging and environment. As a result, they invented the vibration terminal with magnetic field energy on the shoes and heels, PU cushions and springs installed on the shoes, and arch compensating system.
Functional characteristics of vibration terminal are that the shock generated when walking is converted to vibration energy of 3,200 gauss and it generates the vibration of 13.2Hz when landing. The effectiveness of vibration terminal is to improve back, leg, knee and foot pain, to improve varicose veins of lower extremities, to help in blood circulation, to prevent of foot fasciitis and to correct of callus and arch.
In additional, all of Shoealls’ shoes has functional features and lots of advantages such as shock absorption function, weight dispersion, posture correction effect, joint shock prevention, blood circulation effect, excretion of waste and fatigue recovery effect. The recommended target audience to wearing their shoes is almost everyone, including those with pain in the back or pelvis, those who suffer from varicose veins, students, athletes, and long standing or walking people.
Shoealls became the only company to receive the gold prize and the silver prize at the 2016 Seoul International Invention Exhibition and receive special awards and prized from world invention association IFIA. The president of Shoealls, Chung-Keun Lee, is a professional footwear expert who has already established Masai shoes in South Korea. Through the international invention exhibition in Geneva, he is dreaming of expanding its franchise business in the domestic market and entering the world market.
▲ Plamise co., Ltd
▲ Brand Name: ShoeallS
▲ CEO : Chung-Keun Lee
▲ T : +821800-9449
▲ E-mail :
▲ /
Irene Kim
K-Herald Korea
(Los Angeles Times Advertising Supplement)