Traditional medicine practices are still relevant in our current society and one of these methods of treatment is called moxa. Moxa is said to have originated from northern China at least 3,000 years ago, and they were utilized on acupuncture points before needles were implemented. Today, it’s used to treat a wider range of bodily issues such as chronic digestive disturbance, menstrual problems, reproductive concerns, and even more complicated illnesses like tuberculosis, Lyme disease, and cancer. Moxa isn’t a popular form of chiropractic treatment as acupuncture is nowadays, but many forms of literature have proven that it has positive effects on blood circulation, immunity, and the regeneration of tissue. For example, a 1998 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 75 percent of pregnant women had their breech fetuses revert into a normal position with moxa burned onto a pressure point located on the pinky toe. People from western countries might disregard moxa as a minor element of herbal Korean medicine, but ancient doctors thought very highly of it. In the Nei Jing, a text about fundaments of herbal medicine, moxa is said to “do what the needle cannot.”
To create an upgrade of traditional treatment methods, Orye Life Science has produced something called “Seldicine,” an herbal medicine extract cream made for moxibustion, fomentation and a hot pack substitute. By applying this product onto the problem area, our body’s immunity is steadily enhanced to increase our overall health and wellness. Seldicine uses natural herbal medicine and completely lacks any chemical element that might irritate the skin once it’s applied. These natural medicinal ingredients include gardenia seeds, the Korean angelica root, turmeric, mugwort, ginger, licorice root, and methyl sulfonyl methane (MSM). MSM, in particular, is an essential component of cell activity, helps improve the body’s metabolism, and increase the skin’s resilience. Seldicine’s effectiveness is mostly aided by the components Lecithin Organogels (LO) and Transdermal Delivery System (TDS), as well as other natural absorption elements to soak specific ingredients into our epidermis.
The catch? There is none! The greatest advantage of using Seldicine is that there are no side effects even with continuous use. The cream’s texture is non-greasy with a water-like base to allow for fast absorption. It can also be used on both dry and oily skin types, which eliminates the concern of whether certain buyers can apply this product safely onto their body. The heating effect, which is often compared to the sensation of using a hot pack, also allows for the skin to immediately absorb these medicinal components.
With science and medicine quickly advancing, it’s easy to forget how traditional medicinal practices have helped us as well. Moxa is a method of treatment that has been disregarded as something outdated, yet it was still proven to be effective for a number of people. Perhaps this is why researchers have come up with a way to make moxa relevant in today’s medicinal practices, and the results will only showcase its success.
▲ Orye Life Science Co., Ltd.
▲ Brand Name: Seldicine
▲ CEO : Jae-Won Kim
▲ T : +82-1644-6278
▲ E-mail :
Julie Kim, Irene Kim
K-Herald Korea
(Los Angeles Times Advertising Supplement)