The company is currently showing medical innovation in the medical field with an artificial intelligence platform.

The company is currently showing medical innovation in the medical field with an artificial intelligence platform.If non-face-to-face treatment is the current trend in the medical community, this company seems to be the most suitable and efficient alternative. Therefore, they provided their solution to TELADOC Healthcare in the U.S. under a license and are working on customizing.In addition, they supply their own development devices to Sinchon Severance Hospital, a large Korean university hospital (Yonsei Medical Foundation), and manage the health of medical staff. We listened to the interview contents of the hospital official, that is, the experience and the status of the situation.

Hello, I’m Yoon Bin Jung, and I work as a hospitalist at the Department of Surgey at Yonsei University College of Medicine Severance Hospital. He is also a professional researcher at the Smart Hospital Business Group in the Institute for Innovation in Digital Healthcare (IIDH).

1. Infomining solution selection instrument

Working as a hospitalist who fully cares for inpatients, I became much closer to the patient than when I was a resident. Patients with no signs of abnormality are often found dead at dawn, and it was a great opportunity to feel the need for remote patient real-time monitoring, feeling very sorry for the sudden situation that occurs when medical staff or guardians are not looking at the patient in real time. In hospitals, nurses manually measure the patient’s vital signs at regular time intervals and determine the patient’s condition, which is very difficult to detect if the patient shows no abnormalities during the measurement interval.

Although not yet technically perfect or acceptable in academia, it was necessary to test the technology to enable real-time and continuous monitoring in the field, at least with trends in vital signs. Currently, there are various wearable devices on the market, but most devices are more like health care devices for the general public than patients in hospitals. Infomining’s solution targets all parameters (blood pressure, pulse, body temperature, oxygen saturation, etc.) that need to be measured in in inpatients, and above all, there were various signs of concern that the device’s development goal was to be used in hospitals rather than in general. The fact that it is a solution mainly targeted at inpatients, such as the ease of connection of the in-hospital network and the implementation of a dashboard that can be checked by the medical staff, helped them finally choose.

The biggest advantage of the infomining solution is that it implements a platform that wants to convert PPG signals measured in any type of smartwatch into vital signs through its own solution, regardless of device type. The technological improvement of smartwatches will continue in the future, and it is practically difficult to buy a large number of devices in hospitals every time. Because of the cost limitations, hospitals have to lag behind the latest technologies, and the implementation of a platform that allows patients to use various individual smartwatches after hospitalization is a huge advantage that is hard to expect from other solutions.

2. Actual use review

The convenience is very high because it is a cuffless method when you wear and use a real device for research. It is also a great advantage that it does not perform calibration periodically unlike other devices. Considering patient compliance, there should be less hassle, where Infomining’s device and solution implementation can give a high score. Another great advantage is that there is no significant difference due to correction according to exercise or height of the arm worn. However, due to the inevitable limitations of the form of wrist wear, the fact that the data is irregular depending on the strength of the wrist or the measured body temperature is affected by the external temperature will need to be overcome in the future. Compared to conventional smartwatches, similar size and comfort can reduce rejection when applied to patients, and batteries that last more than 7 days are a great advantage of reducing the hassle of medical staff in the field.

3. Items that need improvement

Since it is still in its early stages and replacing the patient’s vital signs measurement with a smartwatch is not yet a universally accepted stage, much research and verification is expected to be needed in the future. Until the existing practices that can completely replace the existing practices are gathered in the actual clinical field, the existing manual measurement method should be combined, and it seems that the hospital should pay attention to reducing unnecessary processes so that the medical staff do not reject it. The measurement accuracy of the instrument itself must be improved gradually, and the security associated with the stability of the network connection and patient information in the hospital must be more thoroughly managed. Once the measurements are stabilized, it is a problem for the medical staff to use the data properly, and if the vital signs, which were previously measured 3-4 times a day, are measured more than 1000 times a day, a huge amount of alarms can be sent to the medical staff, which can cause an issue of alarm fatigue. There seems to be a need for a balance between patient safety and the fatigue of the medical staff’s alarms.The actual application was delivered, and the U.S. FDA standard error range 5 is currently applied as an acceptable standard for medical devices, and the actual results of Infomining’s device effectiveness measurement showed a blood pressure relaxation error rate of 0.8 and a systolic period of 4.6. Compared to the U.S. medical device with a measurement error range of 5 without movement, the wearable watch is a great achievement as it is measured while moving with the Dongjang.In Korea, more than 60 large hospitals are already in contact for steady interest and in-hospital application.Healthcare also started health care with this device wearable watch for employees at 300 branches of KEPCO. This is a proven situation that shows the development technology of Infomining


▲ CEO : Jae-yong Lee



▲ +82-70-4914-2970


Asia Journal