Nature is near,why don’t you stay in the forest?

Nature is always around people, but we live without feeling the importance of it.

However, when people are physically and mentally struggling due to diseases such as COVID-19, people say that they should stay closer to nature, but most people often don’t know how to encounter and stay close to nature, and most people think of it first.

However, most people are unable to make it because they do not have enough time or money to do so.

Currently, the National Natural Recreation Forest Management Office of the Korea Forest Service is planning and promoting various projects to provide various forest cultures so that all Koreans can enjoy the forest comfortably.

There is now a need for a place where people should feel tired and comforted by long-term economic difficulties and long-lasting illness

If you enjoy relaxing in the forest, it will be very helpful to relieve physical and mental fatigue.

There are so many mountains all over the country in Korea. The National Recreation Forest Management Office established an experience center on a mountain in the Gapyeong area so that people can recognize the forest as a nearby existence rather than a distant one and approach it more comfortably.

In order to make many people come to play, I think it should not be attractive to only certain groups, so we are promoting it to be used as a place for education such as hands-on learning for children. The newly developed interactive system helps people who come to experience more explain and understand the story. It will be very interesting and interesting to those who experience it because the sound of various appropriate texts or graphic images changes and reacts according to the behavior of the person who is experiencing it.

In the past, if you simply walked through the forest and experienced what the commentator said in a way such as listening to one-sided explanations or watching videos separately, you can now communicate in both directions.

It is very good that there are many places to feel nature like this, and if people feel close to nature, they will know that it is more important to the natural environment and forest.

This is because these experiences are more memorable to people than just listening to them in words.

If the project of the National Recreation Forest Management Office is known far away, I hope it will be recognized as a place where various people can come and experience and comfort and use it often.