Everyone must have experienced it at least once
“The worst wheel of the cart always creaks most”
If you look at it, people
It’s one of the ways of life, but I don’t like that way of life
I speak to people in my own voice because silence is not the answer to everything.
“Cheer up”
“I think your immune system has decreased”
Most people simply repeat these words before thinking why this happened
Sellers and consumers are also doing this behavior.
Those who always avoid it suffer more, and there are those who are always lucky
However, these words are based on the results.
There are processes before the results come out.
Results are important, but in order to solve a problem, it is important to know the process until the problem occurs.
That’s because we can fix the problem.
All problems with skin and health start with the same cause.
Eating habits, family history and!!! Environmental hormones…
As a result, the areas I cannot change are only deteriorating over time
It will also affect humans who eat what is grown on land that already contains those things
If that happens, bad things will pile up in your body
It is important that we are more aware of the liver.
The liver does a total of 13 things.
But the liver is said to be a silent organ.
The reason is that it is an organ that does various things such as hangover and detoxification, but does not have much pain or symptoms until it hurts significantly.
In fact, it plays a key role in the most important part of modern people: external aging and internal aging
Too much interpretation of vitamins and minerals that are quick but not fundamentally solvable is making people lose sight of the basics
I find out after a little problem gets too big
Just because you don’t talk doesn’t mean you’re not working
But only when you speak do people know what the person is doing
We should not all be silent any more.
It is worth noting that this small-voiced product is the cause.
Beauty and Health Coordinator