Besides doctors, can know and make something right.

The range of health functional foods and non-medical products is a concern of the public every year. In addition, the difference between cosmetics and aesthetic salon-related companies and institutions is becoming ambiguous. Therefore, all products have issues of hype, and there are many disputes depending on each position. However, only GRACE, which deals with inner beauty and beauty at the same time, has been reborn as a management structure that understands skin tissue and combines microbial theory without considering women’s y-zone management as a disease. Experts from various fields were invited to create the structure. I would like to say that it is not a better program than anyone else, but a program that depicts the best image that I couldn’t concentrate on. The three types of Fleur d’elle unveiled this time have a main common purpose of suppressing bacteria that cause vaginitis through a combination of next-generation antibacterial biomaterials and naturally derived antibacterial materials, and each stage has a justification. Although men and women have different genital structures, the most important part is the difference in microbial balance and ph structure due to differences between the body and the outside, so I think only women’s care products that reflect all of them are true products. 1. The skin tissue of the vulva is not much different from other parts of our body, but since we have to wear not only outerwear but also underwear in layers, the moisture and pressure are high, so the skin absorption rate is more than 6 times higher than other body parts. It prevents harmful bacteria with a weak acidity of pH 4.5 to 5.0 and protects the skin from intrusion by external foreign substances. The vulva is a structural characteristic that exists near the anus and is easily contaminated with E. coli present around the anus, and it is difficult to escape from daily stimulation due to repeated sweep and friction caused by underwear. Like other skin areas, the vulva consists of keratinous epithelial tissue with sweat glands, hair follicles, and dead skin cells, and there are many fine wrinkles, and the main causes of wrinkles are as follows. Wrinkles are caused by decreased elasticity due to aging. Due to the structural characteristics of sweat and sebum secretion, wrinkles form as secretions settle down. Wrinkles are caused by inflammatory reactions caused by skin damage, which is an underlying inflammation. Fine wrinkles on the vulva can accelerate the accumulation of other wastes, so it is not easy to maintain cleanliness and is not good for beauty. 2. The inside of the body consists of epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous tissue, and its own protective film (skin barrier) prevents foreign substances from entering from the outside, but the inside of the vagina is very vulnerable to various contamination due to structural limitations. Lactobacillus is a representative beneficial bacterium in the vagina and maintains a healthy vaginal environment by maintaining the pH value in the vagina at 3.5 to 4.5, creating an acidic environment unlike other skin areas to suppress the reproduction of harmful bacteria and promote the reproduction of beneficial bacteria. Women’s internal and external age is also difficult to avoid aging as they get older. In particular, women are likely to be accompanied by reduced estrogen secretion and accelerated aging during the aging process, resulting in decreased elasticity of the vaginal wall and pain caused by drying. In addition, vaginal aging is often accompanied by a decrease in the thickness of the vaginal wall, so the possibility of inflammation such as vaginal inflammation due to the invasion of harmful bacteria due to the collapse of the lactobacillus environment may be very high. Based on this theory, Fleur d’elle is a brand created with three daily care programs to enable additional care of Fleur d’elle Premiere Loge for soundproof areas with different skin tissues. Isn’t this the world class for cosmetics planners?



Beauty and Health Coordinator