Nvidia occupies 80-95% of the AI computing market. Although startups such as Intel and Cerebras have competitive products, there are virtually no large production competitors against Nvidia because it is a small amount of production. Nvidia’s leadership in this sector was possible because it has been providing software tools to AI researchers as well as chips for more than a decade and learning how to predict what is needed on chips that take years to design, Reuters explained. Experts were also divided over AMD’s ambitious plan. “Even if AMD’s software solutions are competitive in terms of hardware performance, we are still not convinced that they are competitive with Nvidia’s software solutions,” Moore Insight & Strategy said. However, Sumis Chintara, vice president of Meta, said, “We have worked closely with AMD to make it easier for AI developers to switch from one platform to another using free tools,” adding, “It doesn’t really take much work to move from one platform to another.”