Immunity is the production of antibodies against pathogenic microorganisms that enter the body outside, neutralizing toxins or killing pathogenic microorganisms to prevent the disease next The system that responds to various factors that invade the body and damage the body in various ways is called the immune system. Defends the body against bacteria, viruses, parasites, and other invaders in various ways described below. The study involved in this is called immunology.

The immune system is in line with the evolution of life, and in a way, it can be said to be a living witness of evolution. As you move from simple animals to complex animals, various types of immune systems develop. Insects, for example, have innate immune systems like us. One of them is a gene called Toll, and through these things, they fight against fungi that infect insects. In vertebrate genitals , they have both innate/adaptive immune systems, and there are various types of white blood cells in the eugenic language, the lower body, the lower body, and the lower body. Now new facts are being revealed in this story. From primitive multicellular organisms to other single-celled organisms, the immune system was developed to control the symbiotic bacteria when they reproduce too much, enter the body, or harmful bacteria settled down. Normal bacteria and immune systems have evolved and developed more and more bacteria, such as teaching immature T cells what’s good and bad, suppressing immune responses, breaking down nutrients that our bodies can’t break down, releasing antibacterial substances, and activating immune cells Bacteria were thought to have no adaptive immunity to the virus, but in the 2000s, a mechanism for cutting and eating a specific sequence of viral genomes called CRISPR/CAS9 was discovered. Once CRISPR remembers the virus, or bacteriophage’s genome, in its DNA, and when the same virus invades, CAS9 contrasts it with the previous viral genome, and if it is the same, it creates a viral RNA decomposition enzyme and cuts off the viral genome immediately. This is an excellent example of adaptive immunity. The mechanism itself is surprising, but the biology community welcomes that there is a way to easily manipulate genes using this system. Currently, there are attempts to solve the virus’ antiviral resistance problem with this technology, and some achievements are being made. Viruses are relatively well coped with germs, but as viruses also evolve, viruses that penetrate the host’s immune response continue to emerge.

Germs are the most encountered in our lifetime, and the immune response is well prepared accordingly. Of course, germs that avoid or block immune responses are everywhere. In the cell walls of pneumococcus and anthrax, there are stenosis that prevents cells from attacking, and Cougarase that prevents attacks by solidifying plasma by Staphylococcus aureus In the case of in vitro parasites, there was no fluid or cellular immune response, and behavioral and physical immunity developed. There was behavior on the back, such as monkeys catching each other’s in vitro parasites. The modified prions detect and attack mononuclear cells that are not themselves, and the lymphocytes inhibit the immune response because the modified prions were originally normal prions. Recently, due to various pathogens and viruses, people are making efforts to improve their immunity.Usually, the bigger the immune system, the more it is. That’s why people want to gain immunity if they can get it with effort or supplements.However, people are looking for various efforts and ways to gain immunity more effectively than expected, and especially food and supplements are simply looking for things that can be tried around them, but the nutritional status has improved a lot compared to the past, but the number of allergic patients is increasing. Allergies are a disease of the immune system and are often referred to as atopy. Allergic diseases are caused by the combination of genetic and environmental factors. The characteristic of allergies is the excessive activation of white blood cells called mast cells and basophils by antibodies such as IgE, resulting in severe inflammatory reactions. However, compared to the past, food-related diseases increased by 277% in the United States alone for 10 years from 2007 to 2016, but immune-related diseases are steadily increasing due to complex effects on the environment or the environment they are exposed to. In this way, people want to relieve the increased stress on immune-related diseases that reduce human quality.In addition, people are not properly managing their health and immunity, as opposed to increasing interest in their health as they get busy. So people are trying to boost their immunity simply by buying nutrients that are on the market to boost their immunity, but they haven’t been very effective in boosting their immunity.

Imubarrier Corporation (CEO: Ryohei Nishikubo), a company created to secure such points and address such needs.Poly I:C is a company that develops as a drug additive, IMU is an immunoactive (antibody), CBD is an autonomous nervous system-controlled VCO that can be used in various forms and for various purposes, such as outdoor sprays, to address the needs of various users.In particular, Poly I:C is an immune stimulant manufactured by synthesizing citidilic acid and inocinic acid (a seafood flavor component) and heat-treating with double-stranded RNA, and is used as a vaccine aid and an immunoactive aid for use. The advantage of Imubarrier is that the traditional Poly I:C disadvantage must be kept at minus 20 degrees Celsius when distributing, but the only company in the world that has succeeded in pulverizing is able to distribute at room temperature. The main role and efficacy are used to prevent virus invasion from outside and to kill and reduce the role of virus and bacterial antibodies that have penetrated the body, and Imubarrier powder can even help produce antibodies, The company also aims to release products for humidifiers in the future, so that consumers will be able to use them more conveniently in the future.Imubarrier is sold not only in powder form but also to so that In addition, This company is also trying to make products in the form of spray. We think that coming in the form of spray products and humidifiers as preventive drugs is also very valuable in the futur

▲Imu Barrier Corporation
▲ +81-6-4980-9464
▲Ryohei Nishikubo
▲ Info@immubarrier.co.jp