Ticket sales open until Nov.3 for Herald Design Forum 2015

2014 Herald Design Forum

The annual Herald Design Forum returns for its fifth edition on Nov 10, bringing together the design world’s big names to Seoul.

This year, the forum will explore the potential of design when it integrates with other fields such as technology, management, psychology, humanity and art. It will focus on how design acts as an intermediary and comprehensive platform between different industries, merges them, and creates new values in the process.

The forum signals the start of a monthlong celebration of design in Korea, featuring Design Korea (Nov. 11-15) and Seoul Design Week (Dec. 2-6).

Under the theme “Design Platform Creates Value through Integration,” it will offer a glimpse into how design changes the world, with speakers drawn from various fields such as architecture, industrial design, social media, food and 3-D printing.

Date: Nov. 10 (Tuesday) from 9 a.m.-6 p.m.

Venue: Grand Hyatt Seoul, Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul


Randi Zuckerberg, founder and CEO of Zuckerberg Media, former director of market development and spokeswoman of Facebook

Kim Ju-yoon, CEO of Dot, a smartwatch-maker for the blind

Tom Dixon, creative director of the brand “Tom Dixon”

Arik Levy, creative director of L-Design Studio

Marti Guixe, food designer

Ban Shigeru, architect and winner of Pritzker Prize 2014

Bob van der Lee, CEO of Total Identity

Tommy Li, branding designer in Hong Kong

Janne Kyttanen, founder of Freedom of Creation, a product design company specializing in 3-D printed products

Alvy Ray Smith, cofounder of Pixar

Lee Lee-nam, artist

Ticket sales: Oct. 10-Nov. 3

Registration and more information: Contact Herald Design Forum head office at 82 (2) 727-0046, heraldforum@ioconvex.com or Interpark at http://ticket.interpark.com.