U.S. military portrayals of Korea examined

The Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch will host a talk by veteran expat Jacco Zwetsloot on the portrayal of Korea in U.S. military media under the U.S. Army Military Government of Korea from 1945-48.

He will focus on Korea Graphic, the weekly newspaper printed by the Troop Information and Education section of the 24th Corps for troops stationed in the U.S. zone of occupation.

As U.S. troops were discouraged from getting too close to the country, Korea Graphic was a key source of information for them about Korea, although humorous anecdotes and news from home were also included, along with Korean and American pin-up girls.

There is no complete archive of Korea Graphic, but Zwetsloot has a partial collection, mostly from the first year. He will discuss how Korea was presented and Korea Graphic’s role in creating an image of Korea as an independent nation among U.S. service personnel.

The lecture runs Jan. 2 from 7:30 p.m. in the Residents Lounge of Somerset Palace. Admission is free for RASKB members and 10,000 won for nonmembers.
