Memorette – the best outerwear for the winter

When temperatures drop, our bodies are more prone to have weaker immune system. People aren’t completely aware of how vital it is to maintain a stable, warm body temperature for the sake of our overall health. It’s universally known that the average temperature of the human body is 36.5 degrees Celsius, but shockingly enough; the average is slowly dwindling within the last 50 to 60 years. Body temperature act as a barometer for the immune system; because the body is hypersensitive to temperature overall, it can act as a hub for the reproduction of cancer cells even when it is just 1.5 degrees Celsius below normal body temperature. In fact, Dr. Nobuhiro Yoshimuzu, a renowned cancer specialist from Japan, concluded from his research that most cancer patients are hypothermic at 35 degrees Celsius, just shy of two degrees below the average. The reason for the temperature drop, according to his book “The Fourth Treatment of Cancer Patients,” is because “toxic substances produced by cancer cells disturb the autonomic nervous system of the human body.

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This is why Memorette, a company geared around creating technological innovations, is seeking to prevent this subtle yet endangering temperature change by creating the On-Wear heating vest. It is a light, convenient vest that can be layered under certain outerwear such as a suit jacket or a parka. The battery that powers the vest can also control how warm the vest is, but this function is also accessible through Bluetooth technology as well. The vest is slim-fitting, which can be great for those who feel uncomfortable with the idea of layering thick articles of clothing over each other. The battery that powers the On-Wear heating vest also functions without an external power source.

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Memorette is constantly promoting the act of staying warm not just for our overall comfort but for our health. The sole reason why the body’s immune system improves is because the body stays warm enough to enable it. As body temperature increases to a certain point, the blood circulates smoothly, promotes cell activity, and metabolism becomes more active. However, if temperature decreases, the immune system is at risk of becoming severely weak. The On-Wear heating vest can help maintain a healthy average temperature of 36.5 degrees Celsius. Although it isn’t easy to keep our body at a stable temperature, people can either make small lifestyle changes to improve their overall health or simply keep warm thanks to Memorette.

▲  Memorette, Ltd.
▲   Brand Name: Onwear
▲   CEO: Bu Kook Park
▲  E-mail:
▲  T: +82-2-703-8989

Julie Kim
K-Herald Korea
(Los Angeles Times Advertising Supplement)

Published in Feb.12th 2018