Call for prohibition of illegal immigrants from driving


First, it was the proposition to divide California into three separate states, then the initiative to repeal California’s Sanctuary State Laws. Now, people want to disallow illegal immigrants from obtaining a California driver’s license.

This ballot, led by civic activist Don Rosenberg, aims to prevent illegal immigrants from applying for or renewing a driver’s license, as well as making the submission of passports or other types of identification mandatory in place of the state’s present automatic voter registration. If this agenda secures 365,880 signatures by December 19th, it will qualify the measure for the November 2020 ballot.

Rosenberg, an active supporter of this initiative, has been an outspoken activist against illegal immigration ever since his son was killed by an unlicensed immigrant on a motorcycle in 2010. He contends that the state is lying about hit-and-run accidents decreasing due to over a million illegal immigrants having obtained drivers’ licenses since AB60 implementation in 2015 and that the roads will only become safe when illegal immigrants are not licensed to drive.