When it comes to treating obesity, people assume that the best way to treat it is to lose weight by exercising while continuing with their old eating habits. Exercise is a large factor in losing weight than just a mere food diet, but it usually fails. The main reason is due to the fact that most people consume more than the calories of food energy that is needed to be burned off in a day, which is less than 5000 calories per day. To be able to burn off enough calories, most would need to exercise vigorously for more than 4 hours a day and for at least 6 months. But, in terms of practicality, it is hard to have enough strength and the time needed for the required exercise. Also, immoderate levels of exercise cause physical injury to those that are overweight. In the end, one who is obese would end up overexerting their body and even deteriorate their immunity in the process.
A Chinese medicine therapy that is focused in reaching the standard body weight helps people develop a physical ability to endure low calorie diet. Also, Chinese medicine obesity therapy helps to change an image of a person by manipulating one’s own unique blood circulation and increasing immunity which will help reduce side effects such as wrinkles, sagging, and hair loss while weight is lost rapidly. This is definitely a powerful therapy without any ill- side effects. Combined with exercise, it is quite probable that obesity can be successfully treated.
The biggest dilemma in treating obesity is the risk of the yo-yo syndrome. Ways to prevent the yo-yo syndrome after reaching the goal weight is to increase the size of one’s meal three to four times (1,500 ~ 2,000 calories), focus on minimizing the side effects and to maintain their newly achieved weight, and maintain the amount of energy exerted rather than adding more weight reduction therapies. Even if they increase or decrease their meal after the therapy, it is still 50% less than how they ate when they were extremely obesity.
Nevertheless, the chances of developing a yo-yo syndrome are reduced because the body easily adapts to the changes during oriental medicine therapy treatment. Gil Soo Kim MD, CEO of Kirin Oriental Hospital, has experience with many clinical cases and can ensure a healthy treatment of obesity.
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