200 New Global Small but Strong Companies in 2022 to Lead Overseas Export Markets

The Ministry of SMEs and Startups (hereinafter referred to as MSS)(Minister KWON Chil-seung) announced that it had designated 200 promising small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that will lead the global market as “global small but strong companies” in 2022.

“Global small but strong companies” is a system that designates export SMEs, which is promoted by the MSS in cooperation with local governments and regional related organisations to nurture export SMEs with innovativeness and growth potential.

Promising export companies with strong performance in terms of sales and exports despite COVID-19 applied for “Global small but strong companies” for this year, and the final 200 companies were selected through local sites and presentation evaluations.

The list consists of companies with high global growth potential. The average sales of newly designated global small but strong companies are worth 23.5 billion won, and the average exports are worth 10.63 million dollars, which shows that exports account for more than 50% of sales.

In addition, 55% (110) of the newly designated companies are located in non-metropolitan regions, which means that a large number of companies that are selected have high potential to grow into excellent companies driving the local economy.

200 companies that are newly designated as global small but strong companies this year will be able to receive customised support packages provided by the MSS, local governments, and private financial institutions for the next four years.

As for the details of the support, the MSS will provide preferential support including granting additional points when applying for overseas marketing support projects such as export vouchers and R&D projects until 2025.

In addition, the designated companies can receive support for prototype production, education and consulting, production process and quality improvement operated by 17 local governments, and financial support such as expansion of policy funding limits and preferential interest rates from private financial institutions.

Director General for Global Growth Policy Kang Ki-sung said, “We will provide full support to the newly designated companies so that they can leap forward as global enterprises .”

For more information about the global small but strong companies project, visit the website of the Small and Medium Enterprise Export Support Center (www.exportcenter.go.kr) or the website of the Enterprise Madang (www.bizinfo.go.kr).

safety accidents because electricity is essential for every house and every building. Without a fundamental mechanism to solve the constant flow of leaks, accidents will continue to happen, and if someone doesn’t change, they will continue to live in a dangerous life without additional safety measures for electricity.

There is still a lack of awareness that we should prevent accidents before they happen because everyone knows safety is the most important thing. In other words, the reality is that it is not easy to make people aware of the risk of electric leakage due to safety insensitivity. It should be used in places where electricity is frequently dropped, where electricity needs to be saved, in old buildings, or in places where aging electricity or water is used, especially if it is humid, it is necessary to apply the circuit breaker. Carelessness or device aging can cause electric shock and fire accidents, so you must find products that can prevent the cause, familiarize yourself with how to use them, and use them safely to prevent accidents.