Made sauce while paying attention to the environment so that can eat healthy food in the future.


Vegan-oriented people choose vegan for a variety of reasons.You choose vegan for various reasons, such as choosing for your health, religious reasons, and environmental reasons.However, most vegan-related products or food ingredients may simply put the keyword vegan and not think about invisible parts or small containers or packages, but it is an important factor for those who choose vegan for the environment and should think about the environment more to continue eating healthy food. Activities to confirm the values of environmentally conscious representatives plan to fund with about 20 eco-friendly, vegan household goods and food brands in Korea from late this month to early July, along with eco-friendly package manufacturing startups called ComUnity in Kixtate and Indigo. Comunity’s main goal is to sell eco-friendly customized boxes through various schools and social activists, and CEO Lee is a company that makes eco-friendly customized boxes through the influx of souvenirs shops in Ivy League universities, international high schools, and girls. In the upcoming collaboration, CEO Lee said that it will go into the bags sold by Comunity as one of the gifts. CEO Lee said in an interview that the reason for developing vegan sauce is for health and the environment.

Most vegan products on the market have the title of vegan, but there are also products of poor quality, except that they are more saline or vegan than regular sauces and foods. Representative Lee said he did not want such a thing. It is a vegan product chosen for health, but on the contrary, it is said that nothing is unhealthy at all except that it is vegan. However, he also said he did not want it to taste bad.

Therefore, the study was conducted so that salt and additional chemical additives could taste the taste of the original sauces as much as possible without adding them unless they were really necessary additives. The reason for choosing the sauce form was that in the case of other types of seasonings, it took more hands to make food, so I thought it was inappropriate for busy modern people. And as we investigated people’s preference for simpler and easier-to-use products, we found out that they were producing them in the form of sauces. Those who have already purchased CEO Lee’s efforts are feeling it.

He is showing expectations by sending feedback that he wants to try another type of sauce. It is a company that continues to communicate with people and researches and creates products that consumers want. At a time when more people are taking care of their health than in the past and environmental issues are becoming a hot topic, I think such companies are essential and look forward to the future.

▲ Vurtle inc

▲ Brand : Vegener




▲ +82-10-2026-4886