Archive by category Life&Style

Musee d’Orsay offers Korean audio guide
Musee d’Orsay offers Korean audio guide

French art museum Musee d’Orsay has started to offer a Korean-language digital docent service, sponsored by Korean Air.  (Korean Air) Hanjin Group chairman …

Korea-France Year to kick off in Paris this week
Korea-France Year to kick off in Paris this week

Korea and France will kick off their bilateral cultural event with artists and musicians performing Korea’s royal ritual music Jongmyo Jeryeak at the …

‘Gyeongju’s culture can spur children’s creativity’
‘Gyeongju’s culture can spur children’s creativity’

Gyeongju in North Gyeongsang Province is a city where one can learn about the country’s ancient history and cultural heritage. The ancient capital of the …

‘Visit Gyeongju — the ancient capital of Silla’
‘Visit Gyeongju — the ancient capital of Silla’

Gyeongju in North Gyeongsang Province is a city where one can learn about the country’s ancient history and cultural heritage. The ancient capital of Silla …

Travel costs in Seoul sixth-highest in Asia

The amount of money needed for a trip in Seoul is the sixth-highest among 11 major cities in Asia, accounting for only half of the cost needed for a journey to …

Around the hotels
Around the hotels

Gourmet couture at W Hotel Seoul WalkerhillW Hotel Seoul Walkerhill presents a stylish collaboration between the hotel’s casual dining restaurant Kitchen and …

[Travel Bits]
[Travel Bits]

Miniature Garden at EverlandEverland, Samsung group’s amusement park and the biggest in Korea, is launching the new “Miniature Garden” theme zone on …

Seoul book club to host three rising Korean authors
Seoul book club to host three rising Korean authors

The Seoul Book and Culture Club will be hosting a book reading and question-and-answer session with three rising stars of Asian literature. Organized together …

Migrant centers to compete in Seoul sports event

More than 1,000 migrants are expected to gather at the Olympic Stadium in Jamsil on Sunday for a citywide sports day. The event, hosted by the Yangcheon …

GIC offers tour to Jeonju hanok village

The Gwangju International Center will be running a GIC Culture tour to Jeonju on Sept. 19 to look around its traditional hanok houses. The tour will stop on …

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