Archive by category Life&Style

Are ‘foreigner only’ rules legal?

So I needed a new cell phone. But as a foreigner in Korea, I quickly found that my options were limited.  There are models galore, but complicated Korean …

[Newsmaker] Star exiled for draft-dodging, Steve Yoo asks to be taken back
[Newsmaker] Star exiled for draft-dodging, Steve Yoo asks to be taken back

So, Steve Yoo wants to be taken back into Korea, the country he abandoned 13 years ago to avoid military service. In an interview in Hong Kong late Tuesday …

‘Titus Andronicus’ as current as it is classic
‘Titus Andronicus’ as current as it is classic

Seoul Shakespeare Company will perform “Titus Andronicus” from this month as its annual full production, a play that bears striking echoes of modern …

Expat farming project to take soy beans from seedling to sauce

A group of expat farmers will try their hand at making traditional Korean condiments from the very basics, going from seedlings to sauce, in a new yearlong …

HIV tests for E-2 visas discrimination, U.N. finds

The U.N. Committee on Eliminating Racial Discrimination has ruled that HIV testing of teachers on E-2 visas was discrimination. In an opinion released Tuesday, …

Seoul Fashion Week appoints first director
Seoul Fashion Week appoints first director

Seoul Fashion Week announced Wednesday that it had appointed veteran fashion designer Jung Ku-ho as its first director. Jung will oversee Korea’s biggest …

[Herald Interview] Exploring modern Korea in ancient trappings
[Herald Interview] Exploring modern Korea in ancient trappings

Beneath its ultramodern facade, Korea is a country with all the trappings of shamanism and Confucianism, a new book says. In “Contemporary Korean Culture: …

Caffeinated Korea
Caffeinated Korea

Koreans drink more coffee than they eat kimchi, it seems. The average Korean drinks 12.2 cups of coffee per week, which makes for about two cups a day, while …

Gov’t warns of possible nicotine overdose thru use of e-cigarettes

The South Korean government warned of a possible overdose of nicotine for those who smoke electronic cigarettes Tuesday, while ordering a recall of 10 …

[Herald Interview] The art and science of translation
[Herald Interview] The art and science of translation

On each desk are two copies of a text, one in Korean and the other in English. A handful of students ― some Korean, some international ― pore carefully …

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