Archive by category Life&Style
Heart attack has been the No. 1 killer in the world for the last decade and deaths from the disease are still on the rise. As the human heart works …
NEW YORK (AP) ― The author of Mark Zuckerberg’s first book club pick has a suggestion for future choices. Moises Naim, whose “The End of the Power” hit …
If the trend holds, there soon will be a shelf of books explaining why the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan was a misadventure or worse. Into that crowded field …
White PlagueBy James Abel (Berkley) James Abel’s new thriller, “White Plague,” combines elements from “The Hunt for Red October” and the …
BOSTON (AP) ― Boston residents in the newly formed United States valued a robust press as much as their history and currency if the contents of a time …
Louvre Museum PARIS (AFP) ― The famous Louvre in France received 9.3 million visitors last year, retaining its title as the most-visited museum in the world, …
NEW YORK (AP) ― Sting will be going down with his ship. Producer Jeffrey Seller said Tuesday that the Grammy Award-winning songwriter’s Broadway musical …
Another holiday season has passed, and with it the marathon cooking and baking sessions. The hours spent using every kitchen appliance and inch of counter …
CHICAGO ― A suburban Grayslake animal shelter welcomed back a dog adopted more than a decade ago after it was found at a shelter in New York. The American …
A new gallery has opened in Daejeon, run by a local group of expat artists. The Daejeon Artists’ Collective has been running exhibitions since 2011, but made …