Archive by category Life&Style

Bryson tours Britain again in ‘The Road to Little Dribbling’
Bryson tours Britain again in ‘The Road to Little Dribbling’

LONDON (AP) — Bill Bryson loves Britain. Really. The Iowan-born writer, who takes an affectionate if sometimes exasperated look at his adopted country in …

Famous fairy tales are thousands of years old: study

LONDON (AFP) – Fairy tales such as Beauty And The Beast are much older than previously thought and are actually thousands of years old, academics found …

Oldest Christian monastery in Iraq razed
Oldest Christian monastery in Iraq razed

IRBIL, Iraq (AP) — Satellite photos obtained by the Associated Press confirm what church leaders and Middle East preservationists had feared:  The …

Tonymoly opens shops in Saudi Arabia

South Korean cosmetics maker Tonymoly said Thursday it has opened two shops in Saudi Arabia, tapping into the Middle Eastern market for the first time. In …

Samsung starts blood donation drive amid low reserves

South Korea’s top conglomerate the Samsung Group said Thursday it has kicked off an inhouse blood donation campaign in an effort to help the country tide …

Free English walking tour offered in Seoul

Student volunteer group Seoul Free Walking Tour will run guided walks around the city’s historic center of Jeong-dong and Bukchon, an area east of …

U.S. military portrayals of Korea examined

The Royal Asiatic Society, Korea Branch will host a talk by veteran expat Jacco Zwetsloot on the portrayal of Korea in U.S. military media under the U.S. Army …

Seoul seeks student volunteers

Seoul Metropolitan Government is seeking student volunteers to help out with the city’s community projects. The volunteers will participate in group …

Foreign craft fairs to open in Seoul, Busan

Two foreign cultural markets will open in Seoul and Busan this month with a selection of handicrafts from vendors based across the country. Celebrating its …

Taxing times for expat earners
Taxing times for expat earners

Along with a new year, January heralds a new nuisance – end-of-year tax settlements. The Korean tax year is the same as the calendar year, and for most …

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