Archive by category Life&Style
Food is not merely a crucial means of maintaining health and nutrition, but also an “object” of design that is perceived, contextualized and consumed, a …
President Park Geun-hye said Tuesday that design has become an important field that can not only boost the value of the cultural industry but also has the …
The Herald Design Forum 2015 is set to kick off Tuesday in Seoul, bringing together some of the world’s brightest minds in design to share their ideas and …
The Gwangju Design Biennale, Asia’s largest and oldest design biennale celebrating its 10th anniversary this year, is eyeing an expanded role as a …
Korea will hold a series of design fairs and business events in and around Seoul, starting with the Herald Design Forum on Tuesday. The Herald forum, to be …
Arik Levy, a world-renowned industrial designer, said Korea’s design sector should keep working toward narrowing the communication and cultural gap between …
Bibimbap, the popular Korean rice dish with vegetable, beef and egg (123rf) Surfing the web, figuring out directions and finding a place to eat — …
At Scoff, a tiny bakery located in Seoul’s Buam-dong, one will find classic British baked goods like hot cross and Chelsea buns, spread out in trays and …
Shigeru Ban is no ordinary architect. Unlike conventional architects of this era, Ban does not only use iron or steel as the primary materials to structure …
Tommy Li, a branding designer known for his audacious visual designs and black humor, is one of Asia’s few designers with a global presence spanning across …