Archive by category National
A retired Navy admiral was indicted Wednesday on charges of helping the world’s top shipbuilder win a bid to build submarines in exchange for a …
South Korea vowed Wednesday to step up its diplomatic efforts to improve ties with Japan amid various disputes over their shared history. In a report to the …
While Seoul reported no additional Middle East respiratory syndrome cases for three consecutive days for the first time since the index case was confirmed in …
South Korea vowed Tuesday to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 37 percent from the estimated business-as-usual level by 2030, raising the aim from previous …
The ruling party feud persisted on Tuesday, with the its two main factions failing to agree on whether the party’s floor leader should keep his job. …
By Cho Chung-unThe National Assembly will revote on the controversial revision to the National Assembly law vetoed by President Park Geun-hye last week, the …
Negotiations among employees, employers and labor experts to set the minimum wage for next year collapsed without agreement Monday, failing to meet a legal …
Two out of 5 Koreans are employed on temporary or short-term contracts, with those working for conglomerates most prone to be in less secure forms of …
South Korea, Japan, and China are expected to resume a trilateral meeting of their leaders in early October, a diplomatic source here said Tuesday. …
Pyongyang and Moscow appear to be stepping up cooperation between each other amid their international isolation, as a Russian firm is reportedly poised to …