Archive by category Opinion

[Editorial] Eliciting Chinese action

When President Park Geun-hye leaves for Beijing today, it will not be with a light heart. The decision to attend China’s Victory Day celebrations, including …

[Editorial] Highest suicide rate

The latest OECD Health Statistics held dismal news for Korea. The country’s suicide rate stood at the top among the 25 of the 34 Organization for Economic …

The president and the Beijing parade

President Park Geun-hye’s decision to attend China’s military parade this week, commemorating the victory over Japan in World War II, is both puzzling and …

[Clive Crook] What if 2008 financial crisis comes around again?
[Clive Crook] What if 2008 financial crisis comes around again?

By the end of the week, stocks, currencies and commodity prices weren’t crashing any longer but financial markets were far from settled. Over the past 10 …

[David Ignatius] Drones cover intelligence blunders
[David Ignatius] Drones cover intelligence blunders

Jabhat al-Nusra, the al-Qaida affiliate in Syria, has disclosed that it suffered heavy casualties when the U.S. launched drone attacks last month to defend a …

[Editorial] Rebuilding momentum

Apparently emboldened by a rare inter-Korean deal on defusing tensions and promoting exchanges, South Korea’s top nuclear envoy last week expressed hope for …

[Editorial] Multicultural students

Figures released by the Education Ministry last week showed the number of children from multicultural families attending elementary, middle and high schools …

[J. Bradford DeLong] A cautionary history of U.S. monetary tightening
[J. Bradford DeLong] A cautionary history of U.S. monetary tightening

The U.S. Federal Reserve has embarked on an effort to tighten monetary policy four times in the past four decades. On every one of these occasions, the effort …

[John Kass] The populist appeal of Trump

Why are so many journalists — particularly liberal journalists — mocking the true believers of Donald Trump? Because it’s just so darn easy, …

[Editorial] Chung’s contributions

In an interview with a local newspaper, the Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra’s music director Chung Myung-whun said that he would not renew his contract, which …

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