Archive by category Opinion

Is U.S. bureaucracy killing the American dream?

Cezar Iordan came to the U.S. from Romania when he was 20. He didn’t know anyone, and he didn’t speak English. He had only $100 in his pocket. But he was …

[Robert J. Shiller] Mirage of financial singularity
[Robert J. Shiller] Mirage of financial singularity

In their new book “The Incredible Shrinking Alpha,” Larry E. Swedroe and Andrew L. Berkin describe an investment environment populated by increasingly …

Five proposals for Greece and Tsipras

In the wake of the Greek parliament’s vote to accept the severe terms of a new European bailout, the logical thing would be for Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras …

[David Ignatius] Next Iranian challenge for U.S.
[David Ignatius] Next Iranian challenge for U.S.

The shrill Republican attacks on the Iran nuclear deal are an embarrassment. Most global leaders share President Obama’s view that the agreement is …

Three hurdles Obama must clear on Iran deal

Long after Barack Obama has left office, the newly minted nuclear agreement with Iran will stand as one of the defining moments of his presidency, along with …

Isn’t China a global risk?
Isn’t China a global risk?

The international ratings agency Fitch was downplaying concerns on Thursday that Chinese stocks are a systemic risk to global markets. Many investors, however, …

[Editorial] A fresh start

By all accounts, it was a convivial meeting. On Thursday, President Park Geun-hye and leaders of the ruling Saenuri Party met at the Blue House, the first such …

[Editorial] Stolen statue returned

A statue of Buddha stolen from a shrine in Japan and smuggled into Korea has been returned to Japan. In announcing the decision to return the stolen artifact, …

Xi Jinping’s penchant for meetings big and small

Chinese President Xi Jinping likes conferences. It is estimated that he leads one, big or small, every seven days. He has resuscitated conferences dormant for …

Greece and China woes: Should we worry?

Two external financial upheavals in recent weeks are causing jitters well beyond the shores of where the events are transpiring. Greece, owing to long-standing …

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