Archive by category Opinion
No Child Left Behind, the federal education law that conservatives and liberals both love to hate, is broken. Rather than repair it, however, Congress is …
Those having trouble making sense of the American presidential election need not worry. It doesn’t make sense. Indeed, the ongoing campaign is the weirdest …
The Greek catastrophe commands the world’s attention for two reasons. First, we are deeply distressed to watch an economy collapse before our eyes, with …
It was a measure of Prince Saud al-Faisal’s skill as a diplomat that he helped sustain the long friendship between the United States and Saudi Arabia through …
HDC Shilla Duty Free and Hanwha Galleria Timeworld, which are affiliated with the country’s major conglomerates Samsung and Hanwha, last week obtained …
Out of the 11.8 trillion won ($10.4 billion) in the supplementary budget bill submitted by the government last week to parliament, 5.6 trillion won has been …
Alexander the Great was the first global celebrity: a hero, a superman and, so he believed, a god. Not only did he rule most of the known world at the time of …
The minimum wage in Korea has been set at 6,030 won ($5.30) for next year after weeks of debate, although the labor unions boycotted the government-led talks …
The Education Ministry announced plans last week to increase the number of foreign students studying at the nation’s colleges and universities to 200,000 by …
Samsung may heave a sigh of relief over the news reports that the National Pension Service has decided to support the proposed merger of Samsung C&T and …