Archive by category Opinion
MADRID ― At the end of June, Greece was hurtling toward implosion and the European Union was consumed by an increasingly vicious internal debate over …
Reporting about the Islamic State inevitably means watching their videos, but that’s not something I would wish on anyone. The group has created a public …
A trilateral committee of labor, management and government representatives decided Thursday to raise the country’s minimum wage by 8.1 percent to 6,030 won …
Lawmakers on a parliamentary subcommittee set up to deliberate taxation rules have been sitting on their hands over measures submitted by the government early …
Infighting within Korean political parties ― ruling and opposition alike ― is as notorious as fights between rival parties. Yet, the recent brouhaha in the …
President Park Geun-hye issued a warning Tuesday against Cabinet members who she said were distracted from their jobs. The warning, made at the weekly Cabinet …
Mistaken identity is an oft-used theatrical device. Shakespeare used the trope in several comedies, most famously in Twelfth Night. Alfred Hitchcock also used …
In a survey of 1,000 adult Koreans conducted by a local pollster early this year, less than a third of the respondents would like to have been born again in …
PARIS ― Over the long Independence Day weekend in America, did you spend more time in your little bedroom community pondering the potential of a terrorist …
When July Fourth rolls around, I always think of my grandparents, who emigrated to the “land of the free” from Russia, which undoubtedly saved their lives …