Archive by category Opinion

[Robert J. Fouser] Remembering June 10, 1987
[Robert J. Fouser] Remembering June 10, 1987

Twenty-eight years ago today, the democracy movement in Korea entered a new stage as citizens joined students in demanding a direct presidential election that …

[Editorial] No panic, no complacency

It may be too early to say so, but the latest developments should convince the nation that it will be able to contain the Middle East respiratory syndrome …

[Editorial] A step to exoneration?

Prosecutors probing the Sung Woan-jong bribery scandal summoned and questioned Rep. Hong Moon-jong over allegations that he received illegal political funds …

[Kim Seong-kon] Warm human touch in Los Angeles and Seoul
[Kim Seong-kon] Warm human touch in Los Angeles and Seoul

Unlike New York City where people are always briskly walking on the streets, Los Angeles is a city where you need to drive in order to go somewhere. Perhaps …

[Editorial] N.K. nuclear ambitions

A U.S. State Department report said that North Korea may have clandestine nuclear facilities in addition to the main Yongbyon nuclear complex, raising the …

[Joseph E. Stiglitz] European Union’s last act?
[Joseph E. Stiglitz] European Union’s last act?

The European Union leaders continue to play a game of brinkmanship with the Greek government. Greece has met its creditors’ demands far more than halfway. …

[Editorial] Full cooperation with WHO

As the Middle East respiratory syndrome seemed to spiral out of control, the government finally abandoned its policy of not disclosing hospitals involved in …

[Peter Singer] Freedom fighters continue to rely on Magna Carta
[Peter Singer] Freedom fighters continue to rely on Magna Carta

Fly out of London’s Heathrow Airport and you may pass over a grassy field called Runnymede. Eight hundred years ago this month, it offered a colorful …

[David Ignatius] Assad regime nears tipping point
[David Ignatius] Assad regime nears tipping point

The regime of President Bashar al-Assad in Syria is facing what U.S. experts say is the most intense pressure since the early days of the four-year civil war. …

[Editorial] Another thorny choice

South Korea now faces the possibility of being driven into making another thorny choice between the U.S. and China, with its effort to maintain strategic …

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