Archive by category Opinion
One of the biggest stories in science right now is the fight over the Crispr patents. Crispr is a gene editing technique that promises to allow previously …
“You come here wanting to hear salsa. I want to hear rock ’n’ roll.” Cuban singer David Rico of the group Aire Libre (Open Air) at Havana’s Yellow …
On March 24, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia sentenced Radovan Karadzic — the political leader of the Bosnian Serbs during …
Daejeong-eup on Jejudo Island might not be familiar to most in Korea, though the district, part of Seogwipo City, has already embarked on building its …
Recent volatility in the Korean won appears to be confusing a variety of parties such as currency dealers, exporters, importers and capital market investors. …
“We have the Europe we deserve,” admitted French Prime Minister Manuel Valls on Wednesday. The question is how Europeans can build the security structures …
Acclaimed Brazilian actor and director Claudio Botelho is used to enthusiastic audiences. But bringing the house down mid-performance was not in the script …
Former government officials still account for a large share of the outside directors serving on the boards of major corporations. This is not desirable given …
The three main political parties in Korea — the ruling Saenuri Party, The Minjoo Party of Korea and the new People’s Party — have all wrapped up …
One of the best pieces of news in years is that China is finally getting serious about cleaning up its environment. Its renewable energy use is growing rapidly …