Archive by category Opinion

[Noah Smith] Patent law holds back scientific progress

One of the biggest stories in science right now is the fight over the Crispr patents. Crispr is a gene editing technique that promises to allow previously …

[Fabiola Santiago] After Obama visit, Cuba needs support for change  

“You come here wanting to hear salsa. I want to hear rock ’n’ roll.” Cuban singer David Rico of the group Aire Libre (Open Air) at Havana’s Yellow …

[David Scheffer] Justice delayed, not denied, in Bosnia
[David Scheffer] Justice delayed, not denied, in Bosnia

On March 24, the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia sentenced Radovan Karadzic — the political leader of the Bosnian Serbs during …

[Editorial] Carbonless Gapado

Daejeong-eup on Jejudo Island might not be familiar to most in Korea, though the district, part of Seogwipo City, has already embarked on building its …

[Editorial] Oil and dollar

Recent volatility in the Korean won appears to be confusing a variety of parties such as currency dealers, exporters, importers and capital market investors. …

[David Ignatius] Europe, U.S. should fix woes together
[David Ignatius] Europe, U.S. should fix woes together

“We have the Europe we deserve,” admitted French Prime Minister Manuel Valls on Wednesday. The question is how Europeans can build the security structures …

Brazil’s theater of the absurd

Acclaimed Brazilian actor and director Claudio Botelho is used to enthusiastic audiences. But bringing the house down mid-performance was not in the script …

[Editorial] Outside directors

Former government officials still account for a large share of the outside directors serving on the boards of major corporations. This is not desirable given …

[Editorial] Democratic deficit

The three main political parties in Korea — the ruling Saenuri Party, The Minjoo Party of Korea and the new People’s Party — have all wrapped up …

[Adam Minter] Is China exporting environmental problems?

One of the best pieces of news in years is that China is finally getting serious about cleaning up its environment. Its renewable energy use is growing rapidly …

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