Archive by category Opinion
Going by the recent debates on tax hikes in Korea and President Park Geun-hye’s firm resolve not to place “an additional burden on the public,” it would …
South Korea seems to be moving to decouple disputes over territorial and historical issues from security and economic cooperation in handling its strained ties …
Until April 27, Koreans will see their president on an overseas trip while the official in the position to work on her behalf at home during the period is …
It’s a paradox. Almost all the economic gains are still going to the top, leaving America’s vast middle class with stagnant wages and little or no job …
It seems that radical unions will ignore public calls for restraint and go ahead with a general strike next week, which, in all regards, is not only illegal …
As expected, the storm generated by Sung Woan-jong’s claims of illegal political donations is buffeting the political community very hard. It is gathering …
President Park Geun-hye and her aides might have had no idea that their premeasured anticorruption drive would boomerang to hit the core of her government. …
In the last month, the international media has been carrying articles on the fight between the United States and China over the formation of the Asian …
Most of us in Korea remember the Sewol ferry sinking on April 16 last year as if it had happened only yesterday. Many of us remember where we were when we …
With President Park Geun-hye embarking on a 12-day South American tour, Prime Minister Lee Wan-koo will be in charge of state affairs as the acting president …