Archive by category Opinion
This goes out to all the parents of only children. As I have occasionally mentioned in my previous columns, I have a little boy. He is the only child I have, …
“I often felt that we were in some kind of ‘collusion’ with them,” said the Korean-American medical doctor who works for the Pyongyang University of …
The National Tax Service recently announced it had collected more than 1.4 trillion won ($1.2 billion) in additional tax from about 5,000 tax evaders last …
A year earlier, Korea was drawn into an abyss of disbelief and grief when a ferry carrying 476 passengers, mostly teenage students on a school trip, sank off …
Immigration stirs strong emotions in many societies that pride themselves on their openness. The “native born” often fear that newcomers will encroach on …
Sometimes I wonder if we humans are really better than animals or machines. While watching the news on TV or reading the newspaper, I often come across …
The claim of the late tycoon Sung Woan-jong that he gave huge sums of money to politicians close to President Park Geun-hye showed once again that Korean …
The central bank’s latest economic outlook should reawaken policymakers to the need to redouble their efforts to keep the Korean economy out of a low-growth …
We’re witnessing arguably the most unfocused and undisciplined U.S. foreign policy in history under President Barack Obama. If I’m seeing it and you’re …
Not long ago I was asked to speak to a religious congregation about widening inequality. Shortly before I began, the head of the congregation asked that I not …