Archive by category Opinion

[Editorial] Barriers too high

North Korea this week downplayed South Korea’s recent decision to join a China-led financial institution as a trade-off for the deployment of an advanced …

[Editorial] Poisonous politics

Rival political parties seemed to mistake the April 29 by-elections, which will be held in four parliamentary constituencies, for general or presidential polls …

[Kim Hoo-ran] Daring to dream big for Tongyeong

Maybe it is the cool cobalt waters, or the sun-drenched azure sky. Maybe it is the cherry blossoms and the camellias that turn the entire city into a garden …

[Ashok B. Sharma] Modi’s ocean politics: Gluing security, blue economy
[Ashok B. Sharma] Modi’s ocean politics: Gluing security, blue economy

India, of late, has woken up to realize the importance of oceans, more particularly the one in its backyard. Better late than never, Prime Minister Narendra …

[Editorial] Real protection

The Korean name of the nation’s immigration detention facilities includes the word for “protection.” But it has long been pointed out that the …

[Editorial] Bullying poor vendors

Since its launch in 1995, television home shopping has grown as a solid, lucrative retail platform, with the market reaching 9 trillion won. Sadly, a filthy …

[Kim Ji-hyun] The winds of change in Japan
[Kim Ji-hyun] The winds of change in Japan

Today marks the beginning of a new fiscal year in Japan, and it is on this day that I write to say that I believe we are witnessing the winds of change in …

[Kim Myong-sik] Thriving young entrepreneurs of Bogildo Island
[Kim Myong-sik] Thriving young entrepreneurs of Bogildo Island

Last week, I had a very special party on board the Chungpa, a 20-ton service ship operating for the abalone farms around islands on the southwestern coast, …

[Editorial] Abe’s ambiguity

In an interview with the Washington Post last week, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe outlined the goals of his April trip. The tenor of the interview was …

[Editorial] Growing sinkhole problem

Two sinkholes appeared in busy areas of Seoul on March 28, lending urgency to the problem of sinkholes, which threaten public safety. In Sinchon, a 15-ton …

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