Archive by category Opinion

[Robert J. Fouser] Changes in the Korean language
[Robert J. Fouser] Changes in the Korean language

Memories of language learning center on the curious and the embarrassing. People remember the mispronounced words, the humorous grammar mistakes, and …

[Kim Seong-kon] In shadow of power and glory
[Kim Seong-kon] In shadow of power and glory

Men constantly seek power and glory. Once you taste that nectar, there is no turning back. It is like an addiction. That is why politicians cannot leave the …

[Editorial] Security cooperation

A senior Pentagon official last week reiterated Washington’s desire to further expand trilateral defense cooperation with Seoul and Tokyo beyond the military …

[Editorial] A valuable partner

Korea pledged to strengthen support for facilitating growth in Central and South American countries during this year’s Inter-American Development Bank board …

[Trudy Rubin] Four rules to judge Iran deal
[Trudy Rubin] Four rules to judge Iran deal

If you’re confused about whether a nuclear deal with Iran would be good for America ― or for Israel ― join the club. The club, that is, of folks who are …

[Andres Sheng] A Silk Road for getting yuan internationalized
[Andres Sheng] A Silk Road for getting yuan internationalized

With the launching of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the Silk Road Fund and various speeches by the People’s Bank on RMB in the last month or so, …

[Robert Reich] Why college isn’t (and shouldn’t have to be) for all
[Robert Reich] Why college isn’t (and shouldn’t have to be) for all

I know a high school senior who’s so worried about whether she’ll be accepted at the college of her choice she can’t sleep. The parent of another senior …

[Editorial] AIIB and Korea

In many respects, South Korea’s decision last week to participate in the China-led new regional infrastructure development bank was sensible. The decision, …

[Editorial] Corrupt corruption busters

Investigators raided the home of Park Bum-hoon, former Chung-Ang University president, and several other places Friday on suspicions that he exerted influence …

[Dominique Moisi] The battle for Russia’s soul
[Dominique Moisi] The battle for Russia’s soul

When I heard the news about the assassination of the Russian politician Boris Nemtsov in Moscow, I was reminded of a conversation I once had with a Soviet …

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