Archive by category Opinion

[Editorial] Open primaries

The leaders of the two main political parties have revived the idea of selecting candidates for elected posts through the open primary system. In the lead-up …

[Editorial] Bridging differences

After his meeting with President Park Geun-hye on Tuesday, opposition leader Moon Jae-in said it was a meaningful occasion to allow him to know about Park’s …

[Kim Ji-hyun] The credibility factor in Japan
[Kim Ji-hyun] The credibility factor in Japan

I own a TV from LG Electronics. I had not set out buying a Korean-made TV, but I wound up with one. When we first settled in Tokyo back in January, we bought a …

[Kim Myong-sik] THAAD to test Seoul’s security independence
[Kim Myong-sik] THAAD to test Seoul’s security independence

North Korea fires various kinds of rockets and missiles into the sea on an almost weekly basis while its young leader, with binoculars in his hand, beams …

[Editorial] Too familiar

It is apparent that the prosecution investigating suspected slush funds at the construction unit of POSCO is closing in on the conglomerate’s former CEO …

[Editorial] Nowhere to turn to

It is so evident that one may not need statistics to maintain this: Korea is a fast-aging society and many of the elderly population are not financially …

[Robert J. Fouser] Same-sex marriage in Korea
[Robert J. Fouser] Same-sex marriage in Korea

In his 1962 book “The Structure of Scientific Revolutions,” Thomas Kuhn argued that breakthroughs in science are the result of paradigm shifts that stir …

[Kim Seong-kon] Korea goes from one extreme to another
[Kim Seong-kon] Korea goes from one extreme to another

Some time ago, I wrote a much-misread column entitled “Korean Mother: A Cultural Icon,” suggesting that, perhaps, the cultural icon of South Korea could be …

[Editorial] Orchestra forced to cancel

The unthinkable has happened. The Seoul Philharmonic Orchestra announced last week that it is canceling the seven-city U.S. tour it had scheduled for April as …

[Editorial] Another hacker threat

The Internet hacker who caused a scare late last year when he posted blueprints of nuclear power plants and threatened to destroy the plants if their …

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