Archive by category Opinion

[Editorial] Income-driven growth

Opposition leader Rep. Moon Jae-in seemed to go too far when he proposed this week that the government and main political parties deliberate on a minimum wage …

[Kim Hoo-ran] German lesson on history
[Kim Hoo-ran] German lesson on history

When Wendy Sherman, undersecretary for political affairs at the U.S. State Department, during a speech on relations between the U.S. and Korea, China, and …

[Bunn Nagara] Global community far from ending IS terror
[Bunn Nagara] Global community far from ending IS terror

The sordid trail of death and destruction perpetrated by so-called Islamic State IS militants continues to grow longer and bloodier. Reports of more threats, …

[Editorial] Real reconciliation

Germany and Japan were the Axis powers during World War II. But after defeat in the war, they took very different paths when it came to acknowledgement of what …

[Editorial] Author’s concerns

Kim Young-ran, the former Supreme Court justice who authored the original bill for the landmark anticorruption act named after her, has announced her …

[Lee Sun-young] Nurturing Korea’s Disneys
[Lee Sun-young] Nurturing Korea’s Disneys

At my typical Korean home in a Seoul suburb, my two little girls are immersed in everything Disney.  They eat with spoons and forks that feature Elsa from …

[Peter Singer] Religious focus needed to counter Islamic extremism
[Peter Singer] Religious focus needed to counter Islamic extremism

Last month, U.S. President Barack Obama hosted a three-day summit on “Countering Violent Extremism.” That term has already spawned a new abbreviation, …

[Editorial] Not what Lippert wanted

U.S. Ambassador Mark Lippert was discharged from the hospital Tuesday, much to the relief of the Korean people who have been expressing support and sympathy …

[Editorial] Full commitment required

Saenuri Party Rep. Yoo Ki-june, the nominee for oceans and fisheries minister, and Rep. Yoo Il-ho, the minister-designate for land, infrastructure and …

[Lee Jae-min] Korea exits fishing blacklist
[Lee Jae-min] Korea exits fishing blacklist

One sticky issue that has haunted Korea for the past two years is now being put to rest. Almost simultaneously, Washington and Brussels are scratching off …

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