Archive by category Opinion

[Editorial] Second Middle East boom

President Park Geun-hye is in the middle of a tour of four Middle East nations, hoping to lay the ground for what she calls a “second Middle East boom” for …

[Editorial] Averting crisis

Household debts are casting stormy clouds over the Korean economy as their size and pace of growth are reaching dangerous levels. The Bank of Korea said that …

[Robert J. Fouser] Isolating revisionists in Japan
[Robert J. Fouser] Isolating revisionists in Japan

Every March 1 brings out flags and speeches in honor of the Korean Independence Movement in 1919. This year, the holiday coincided with renewed tension over …

[Kim Seong-kon] Korea’s fling with scarlet letter
[Kim Seong-kon] Korea’s fling with scarlet letter

Recently, the Constitutional Court abolished the controversial adultery law because it violates people’s privacy and constitutional rights. The conservative …

[Editorial] Corporate tax hike

Finance Minister Choi Kyung-hwan last week reiterated his cautious stance against raising the country’s corporate tax rate, which currently ranges from 10 to …

[Editorial] Merkel in Tokyo

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe may hope German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s upcoming visit to Tokyo will serve his efforts to put his country on what he …

[Howard Davies] Europe’s capital-markets union
[Howard Davies] Europe’s capital-markets union

LONDON ― The eurozone’s survival is in doubt again, as Greece demands debt forgiveness and an end to austerity ― or else. But, though Europe’s currency …

[Trudy Rubin] Jeb Bush, Iraq and the rise of the Islamic State
[Trudy Rubin] Jeb Bush, Iraq and the rise of the Islamic State

As the Islamic State’s barbarities make headlines, Republican presidential candidates are scrambling to outdo each other’s hawkish pronouncements on …

[Editorial] Settling history

In a speech marking the 96th anniversary of the March 1 Independence Movement, President Park Geun-hye urged Japan to resolve the issue of its military sexual …

[Editorial] No longer safe

Two killing sprees in a week involving hunting rifles have raised alarm about the dangers of firearms in Korea, where people have so far felt safe from guns. …

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