Archive by category Opinion

[Shin Yong-bae] ‘Lee Hak-soo bill’ worries
[Shin Yong-bae] ‘Lee Hak-soo bill’ worries

The National Assembly is hitting Samsung’s nerve with the so-called “Lee Hak-soo bill” tailored to target chairman Lee Kun-hee’s three scions and his …

[Editorial] Yellow dust worsens

Yellow dust swept into Korea on Sunday carrying with it fine dust particles that contain various pollutants, including carcinogens. Although the yellow dust …

[Editorial]Playing it safe

Three out of 10 middle and high school students in a survey last year said that they had no job goals in mind. The hopes, expectations and dreams ― the …

What Greece can learn from Israel on tax cheats

Among the most closely watched commitments made by Greece to obtain a four-month extension of aid from its official creditors is a promise to overhaul its …

The not-ready-for-prime-time Republicans

Shortly after America’s Republican Party trounced the Democrats and gained control of the Senate in last November’s midterm congressional elections, Mitch …

Antipoaching efforts must focus on reducing demand

Last month, a southern white rhino named Thandi gave birth to a healthy calf in South Africa. It was a remarkable moment, the kind that gives conservationists …

[Kim Myong-sik] Persistent appearance of self-aggrandizers, liars
[Kim Myong-sik] Persistent appearance of self-aggrandizers, liars

Brian Williams, the star anchor of U.S. broadcaster NBC, was suspended for six months without pay, for admittedly lying about “coming under fire” in Iraq. …

[Editorial] Widening wage gap

A recent report shows the wage gap in Korea has been widening between large and small companies and between regular and irregular employees. The average …

[Editorial] Third year in office

President Park Geun-hye, who enters the third year of her five-year term Wednesday, is being pressed to carry forward her key reform agenda and regain public …

[Lee Jae-min] Global games of chicken
[Lee Jae-min] Global games of chicken

You can make a lot of money in the boom cycle. With the stockpiled cash, you can then hope to ride out the bust cycle, waiting for the next boom cycle. The …

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