Archive by category Opinion

Our planet calling the financial sector

NEW YORK ― Financial markets serve two crucial purposes: to channel savings toward productive investments, and to enable individuals and businesses to manage …

What Oscars do and don’t understand on East Europe

If last night’s Oscars are any indication, Western audiences and critics are fascinated with eastern Europe. Three out of five movies nominated for best …

[Kim Seong-kon] Business or pleasure? Let us say pleasure
[Kim Seong-kon] Business or pleasure? Let us say pleasure

South Korea has amazed the world by miraculously achieving both economic success and impeccable democratization in a short span of time. From a …

[Editorial] State health insurance surplus

The National Health Insurance Service recorded a 4.6 trillion won surplus in 2014, its largest ever. After four consecutive years of surplus, the accumulated …

[Clive Crook] Germany as Europe’s boss
[Clive Crook] Germany as Europe’s boss

There are two main lines of analysis about Germany’s role in the European Union. The first, favored by populist euroskeptic politicians, is that Germany …

[Editorial] N.K.’s unchanged ways

Relations between Seoul and Pyongyang remain as icy as ever despite Seoul’s offer of high-level talks. Seoul proposed the talks last December to discuss …

Rebuilding crumbling America shouldn’t wait

If Washington were a rational place, a major measure to rebuild roads, bridges, ports and airports would be a slam-dunk. Few doubt the need. The U.S. has …

Waking Iraq’s Sunnis to crush Islamic State

As U.S. President Barack Obama wades deeper into the war in Iraq, Sheik Wissam al-Hardan would appear to be just the kind of man America needs. He is a Sunni …

[Jeffrey Frankel] Chinese currency manipulation?
[Jeffrey Frankel] Chinese currency manipulation?

America’s two political parties rarely agree, but one thing that unites them is their anger about “currency manipulation,” especially by China. Perhaps …

[Editorial] Worry over Cabinet

Prime Minister Lee Wan-koo spent the weekend receiving briefings on pending policy issues from his aides in preparation for a parliamentary interpellation …

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