Archive by category Opinion
NEW YORK ― Financial markets serve two crucial purposes: to channel savings toward productive investments, and to enable individuals and businesses to manage …
If last night’s Oscars are any indication, Western audiences and critics are fascinated with eastern Europe. Three out of five movies nominated for best …
South Korea has amazed the world by miraculously achieving both economic success and impeccable democratization in a short span of time. From a …
The National Health Insurance Service recorded a 4.6 trillion won surplus in 2014, its largest ever. After four consecutive years of surplus, the accumulated …
There are two main lines of analysis about Germany’s role in the European Union. The first, favored by populist euroskeptic politicians, is that Germany …
Relations between Seoul and Pyongyang remain as icy as ever despite Seoul’s offer of high-level talks. Seoul proposed the talks last December to discuss …
If Washington were a rational place, a major measure to rebuild roads, bridges, ports and airports would be a slam-dunk. Few doubt the need. The U.S. has …
As U.S. President Barack Obama wades deeper into the war in Iraq, Sheik Wissam al-Hardan would appear to be just the kind of man America needs. He is a Sunni …
America’s two political parties rarely agree, but one thing that unites them is their anger about “currency manipulation,” especially by China. Perhaps …
Prime Minister Lee Wan-koo spent the weekend receiving briefings on pending policy issues from his aides in preparation for a parliamentary interpellation …